Me: just so u know: my line of communicating is, as far as I can tell, opaque obfuscation on the merits of NOT getting on the wrong side of a laundry lady.
... the "gnat hells" particular to some entities, foreign agents and/or "other" categories, etc. from the confines and cob webs of my own particular "gnat hell" amidst brain fluids, chemical imbalances, analysts analyzing what it is that analysts analyze all the time in their twit analyst labs, which leaves me wondering what it is THAT those entities, foreign agents and/or "other" categories are analyzing all the twit time in their labs so that I am opting to open my own twit lab underneath the bridge over 95 to analyze what it is THAT analysts are analyzing all the twit time using stool samples left by homeless people under the 95 bridge for analysis: fully funded honorarium gratis by my alma mater three times removed up the street from where I live:
At the hint of my doctor analyzing me to be "aggressive," in his word, when I have my pet therapy dog with me at the appointment, the self same pet therapy dog that I enrolled in pet therapy dog training in my endeavor to promulgate "Peer Support w/ Pet Therapy Dog & Sponsorship," and the self same pet therapy dog THAT has had a badge with our picture on IT at the self same hospital as where the doctor works (albeit AT a different location) to vist a children's ward at THAT hospital (not to mention badges and visits to retirement communities over the course of Time), left me fiddling with the leash at the door of such facilities.
Me: must've been my communication skills not being comprehended by y'all in communicating with y'all and vice versa. 5:19 PM
Me: what y'all don't understand is THAT I am fucking busy explaining "mohammed rates" to dragon ladies and I might be short sometimes, but I am straight in around IT 5:24 PM
Some meds pictured and discontinued for me are upwards in retail price of 300$ for a one month supply when the med THAT works for me since 2002 and I have been taking with the help of a nurse costs $118 for a six month supply, or: six shots in the ass for 20$ a shot, excluding the nurse rate for ten minutes at the clinic.
Communicating with some people is like communicating with a five year old (I would imagine) about the perils of getting on the wrong side of a laundry lady!
1. And, I ain't no Indian Braman Noodle looking for a guru. Neither is Patch. <yours truly>
2. Response on CL psyfo:
I can see her bending over a washing machine
<DoctorEmmitLBrown > 12/13
but I cant see the washing machine.
3. Take pills. Go to bed. And wake up a happier person. <The guru>
the self same Fukuokas that I am afflicted with THAT just today kept my precious mother from calling the doctor on me to make further adjustsments to my thin "crust" via injection in the isolation room!
& to PLB who responded "Got it" on FB:
well the latest what u missed is mom going to call the doc office today on me after I was cleared just yesterday by two dragon ladies a doc and a nurse and 3 counting the one giving the shot while the HIM doc is incommunicado until 21st of dec explaining about the fukuokas yoda and me to the two dragon ladies on a three seater couch while the HIM doc when in town has me sit on a 2 seat couch for obvious reasons in that Ben just won't shut the fuck up!
I was just interviewed by two medical professionals yesterday: one a doctor and one a nurse at the self same doctors office just yesterday explaining to them all that I have been explaining in the emails and links that you don't check with a final synopsis to the interview by the female doctor and the female nurse: that my "sense of humor is in tact." With that comment: the female doctor and the female nurse that I saw at the self same doctor's office that mom is calling today when I saw the female doctor and the female nurse yesterday on Dec. 12, 2011 and they said that my "sense of humor is in tact," the female doctor and the female nurse let me go home to classical music free to think and communicate in any way that I please without fear of retribution to the contrary: as long as what I am communicating is nOt in fact "StuxNet!"
Go on thinking and projecting the fact THAT when it comes to matters concerning JSB: it's all about adjustsments to meds for JSB's schizophrenia and the FACT that he, JSB, smokes too much! And, with that JACK: everybody is entitled to their own particular "gnat hell," as indicated in the pictorial here:
THAT's right: go back to the "gnat hell" particular with specimens, foreign agents and "other categories" analyzing what IT is ANALysts analyze ALL the Time within the confines of cob webs cluttering analysts' brains full of fluids, chemical imbalances and whatever else IT is analysts analyzing all the twit time are analyzing and lock me up in the isolation room for having the "I LUV Fukuokas," my own particular "gnat hell!"
Sometimes, even analysts need to be analyzed: I guess! At least that's what the Sopornos used to caricature with THAT analyst of Tony shown going to her own analyst all in a grand finale of analyzing what her peer analysts analyzed about Tony Soporno and the analyst of Tony coming to the same conclusion about Tony THAT her peer analysts had analyzed about Tony-esque caricatures, which was THAT Tony's analyst analyzed Tony to be a crook and manipulative. All THAT analyzing just to analyze THAT about Tony Soporno!
I had to explain the "Mohammed rate" (as in Mohammed at the local 7-11) to the dragon ladies in regards to my present day deal and service to my neighbor's dog, a pit bull, whom I take for walks for a "Mohammed rate:" as opposed to the offer of "take everything in the drawer [unseen] for a lifetime of walking the [neighbor's] dog."
Well, needless to say, in explaining the "Mohammed rate," which is essentially "pay for what you do AT an agreed rate, with no more or less and no rewards other than a gift: which is re-gifted to someone in the Mohammed family by Mohammed;" I had to explain to the dragon ladies interviewing me on the couch December 12, 2011 what Mohammed was doing now as in he is in Virginia, I think, tending to his trucking business and mention of Mohammed's dragon lady wife tending the 7-11... as to why I had to explain the "whys" and "wherefores" of the "Mohammed rate" to the dragon ladies seated on the 3 seater couch with them itching to lock me up in a hospital ward isolated and me communicating with the outside world through telekineses controlling key strokes on a nearby computer with wifi behind the desk outside the isolation room at the hospital on the ward floor, I don't know!
told me, not that I believe it anyway: even with you saying so. However, I was thinking last night as I was falling asleep THAT the Fukuokas might be some sort of transport vessel for me to realize what it was like to be me long before I was ever conceived. I am finding (admittedly: this thinking might be outright delusive) that the Fukuokas are for me like the Harper's Weekly quote from the 1960's of "I look forward to the day when humans slough off the body and become a vortex of thought." I only thought THAT last night while being beckoned off to dream land and giving up yesterdays for sleep last night until the sun come up next, which was this morning with the Fukuoka triggers all in place once again.
might not have done a good enough job in my capacity to explain what is going on with me: but, (and primarily), I LUV KITTY (who is actually my male neutered cat and is crazy and gets his one day pass from his hospital ward, my apartment, to get his rabies shot at the Vet once per year) because somebody has got to feed the "pussy." So, what I am saying without snoops understanding is I feel like since Kitty (previously known as "Ralphie" at the pound who came to me with worms, the which I remedied with meds for him from the Vet) is a roadside service to me since I figure if I take care of Kitty twice as hard as the folk at my local pharmacist do their Kittys by cleaning up after my Kitty once, even twice, per day (NOT once every two days) all will be fine; but, I can't very well do that with THAT other cross-fire about the Fukuokas, Tapiocas, dragon ladies who want to put me in the isolation room pronto, twits, bums bumming cigs, mother, sometime on again off again gf/room mate, foreign agents and specimens, "other category" all analyzing what it is THAT they analyze all the time with craziness like that particular to THIS movie I created in 25 hours rewriting Genesis 1.1-1.31 then putting the movie together:
What do I do in situations with cross-fires' of the "I LUV Fukuokas" being triggered in me by multiple sources or entities or even specimens? without any real relief in site, (but perhaps sight?), considering dragon ladies' cross-fires' today triggering the "I LUV Fukuokas" in me: as described in the update to what must be the 1st known case of the Fukuokas on the blog link that I posted earlier today, December 12, 2011 in an above thread submission? I only ask because I have had 29 visits today within 8 hours at last count to my quixophasia blogspot feedjit (in alignment w/ jic) without any prodigious intellectual exchange other than IT acting as multiple triggers from foreign-like agents or specimens analyzing things from afar... analyzing the Fukuokas in me in ME assumedly: THAT and cross-fires' conversations between what relations I do have daily for whom or what? I am particularly grateful but don't know what best to be grateful for or in what way, except that my mother and supposed sometime on again and off again gf/room mate worry and in their worrying about me: cause me to worry until everybody and anybody is so inclined to take up the cause of adjusting the meds for my schizophrenia worrying when I have a case of the "I LUV Fukuokas" in addition to the schizophrenia disease for which I am medicated and adjusted medically by a principle HIM doctor who sits me on a two chair couch; yet dragon ladies are seating me on a three seater couch with cross-fires' between the Fukuokas on the far side of the couch, Yoda in the middle seat and me on the other side and dragon ladies to boot in their particular office chairs AND who are itching to put my pet therapy dog in the pound, call an ambulance and get me to the isolation room at the hospital AND all the while me telling them THAT not only do I LUV MY KITTY because somebody's gotta feed the "pussy," but if I end up in the hospital, who will take care of my pet therapy dog resting peacefully at my feet me while being interrogated by dragon ladies (three in all: one to give the shot) about the particular case of Fukuokas that I had developed AND everybody was in a fevered pitch full of worry and concern over my well being THAT I just broke out all over again into an Arlo Guthrie Thanxgiving Favorite even though somehow I managed to skip Thanxgiving this year choosing instead to call it Happy Teacher's Day in honor of all the dogs in my life who have taught me everything I need to know about being "as gods," like THAT French language witch (good or bad?) told me at my one time alma mater SFSU in 1993 when I first made THAT pact for myself and nobody else's business but mine: in spite of Schizophrenia being my Job and SSDI being my employer. Anyway, all I had to eat Thanxgiving 2011 was two apples and they weren't even granny smiths all because I was developing a case of what I can only seem to call by name of IT: THAT being that the disease is called the "I LUV Fukuokas," as opposed to the "Tapiocas" disease of the Martha Stewart variety in Nu Jerk, yada yada yada... almost time for the pill to knock me out as agreed to between myself and the principle HIM doctor second only to the best doc I ever had who put me onto the shot in the ass once per month after a Risperdal fiasco during which I was in at least ten police wagons, cruisers and ambulances without any recollection of it by the men in blue who frequent this town as I was almost arrested November 15, 2011 on the front lawn where I live... anyway for the full story of THAT, if you have the time: Do you see at all in any way shape or form what I am talking about in terms of cross fires' triggering the Fukuokas in me in ME at any time any place any where, etc...and the dilemma that causes the Yoda of my schizophrenia and how everybody is in a fevered pitch all the time 365 24/7 to make adjustsments in my "crust" of medication management for sz triggering the Fukuokas in me without any prodigious intellectual activity, mostly just specimens or foreign agents snooping like nosy parkers do in windows at men masturbating??
Two dragon ladies (one a nurse: the other a doctor) at the doctor's office today, December 12, 2011 (where I went to receive my resolved shot in the ass for the adjusted medication management in treating my schizophrenia) sat me down on a three seated couch (as opposed to the two seat couch that the principle doctor uses for me in his office and whom I saw as recently as November 29, 2011: according to the two dragon ladies who keep records of such visits and whom I saw today while I was to receive my shot in the ass for the adjusted medication management for the schizophrenia) AND the two dragon ladies asked me to explain the differences in the two diseases of the "Tapiocas" of the Martha Stewart variety in Nu Jerk and the particular disease called the "Fukuokas" that I have somehow unwittingly contracted within the last few weeks: on a three seated couch, AT THAT! Well, flustered as I was to be seated on a three seated couch by order of the two dragon ladies sent to analyze what it is dragon ladies analyze concerning the "I LUV Fukuokas" disease, I figured and explained what I could to the two dragon ladies inquiring about the mysterious "Fukuoka" disease I have developed within the past few weeks THAT it was them, indeed them, causing the particular case of Fukuokas in me at THAT moment by seating me on a three seated couch when the principle doctor that I see at the self same hospital and one room over from where I was seated on the three seated couch seats me on a two seated couch: one seat for Yoda and one seat for me. So, as flustered as I was to be seated on a three seated couch, I explained the best I could to them THAT in my mind: being seated on a three seated couch explaining away my peculiar disease called the "I LUV Fukuokas" provided ample seating space for NOT only Yoda and myself, but also the "Fukuoka" disease entity seated on the other side of Yoda on the three seated couch, besides myself. In short, I further explained that I might not be as crazy as they were thinking that I was saying that "I only mean it tongue in cheek" as in "literary license." So, they opted to stick to the original deal struck November 29, 2011 between the principle doctor that I see at THAT hospital and just take my word for it in so many words that indeed the "Fukuokas" are good for something, like dismissing homeless drunks from bumming cigarettes on the street from me when I try to explain the differences between the "Tapiocas" disease and "Fukuokas" disease to the homeless guy with the homeless guy saying in his words: "I gotta go. My head's not on right," totally forgetting about the cigarette amidst the confusion of the Tapiocas and Fukuoka diseases even though I reminded him of his bumming a cigarette before he ran away. (IMHO: I don't buy it really; it's a lot of bullshit).
Does anybody know of a cure? I have never heard of this disease before I just contracted it. I think the prevailing winds must've carried it from Japan to Maine, but I keep watching my 8 second "I LUV Fukuoka" video every half an hour on the fifteen minute marks without much time for anything else other than a smoke if I got it. Please help me! I can't stand it anymore...the doc has already been called to adjust the meds. What else can I do to rid myself of what is essentially as far as I can tell the "I LUV Fukuoka" disease from the very namesake in Japan and carried on the wind or on boats to Maine and thought of by the Japanese because they have t-shirts with the mantra pre-pressed and ready for shipment on amazon that I have already ordered for myself to vicariously give to family members and friends through a post to their FaceBlock pages?
And, it was no Tapiocas, like what they eat out on Long Island: it was a case of the "Fukuoka's" from Japan sent via the wind to me, a maniac in Maine. Just to be clear on the differences of diseases contracted in this world!
Now that I have had a severe case of the Fukuoka's, I'm edgy for a cure as I think that I might be lost forever under the 295 bridge analyzing lodes in loads with the capacities for lab equipment supplied honorarium by my alma mater three times removed: USM, as expected and henceforth called the 295 Twit Lab of JSB for JSB and by JSB to analyze what it is others are so busy analyzing all the time.
FYI as a first observation: flush before you get up; it builds character! And, kill as many gnats as possible or wear a hair net.
Some people are more interested in horny men without sandwiches is the only conclusion that I can draw. Old age might be a curse, but don't let it rule you like the Koran states in so many words: education on the old is as pouring water into sand. I'll leave it at that and feed the rest of the General Tso's chicken to the dog and give the chocolate milk to the cat. OK? I hope this makes everything and anything square regarding all former epithets to my epitaph by and from those near and far included and not included in these emails about my particular case of the "I LUV Fukuokas," never minding all the med adjustsments for the schizophrenia. The med adjustsments for the schizophrenia are forgiven along with the humping dog arrested development kid stuff comments not ever realizing for one minute THAT even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have to squat to shit every morning, no matter how rich and famous or whether they are featured in National Geographic or not or even whether some idiot thinks 100 degrees F is the boiling point of water. Let the idiot think that if he wants to. It's not harming anyone, whether Jesus shouted from tops of mountains or the I LUV Fukuokas shouted at the tops of mountains: you all all of you judgmental stuipud faic freaks for lessons in quixophasia easily installed in three easy payments made payable to the Fukuoka Women's University for enhanced arts in the total amount of 60$ or suffer the penalties of the I LUV Fukuokas running through your blood lines for at least seven even unto eight generations bearing in mind that I saw a urologist for that particular side effect so all your curses and invocations will just go in stride with my Fukuokas until time everlasting and I can't wait to convince the doctor to fix me up with that cute twit analyzing things behind the protective glass at the doctor's office. However, I do find her to be a nice lady as I think she is either interested in my pet therapy dog's little wee wee or the big wee wee at the other end of the leash when she comes out with those dog bones. Might have to sit tight on THAT. Don't know yet. I don't really have a clear connection to Yoda anymore what with the Fukuokas and all.
Good. I'm glad somebody sympathizes with my case of the I LUV Fukuokas. I was getting desperate for help with it. But, better watch out Nancy: you might be next for the disease if that is what it is, although my theory about it is that the Japs and Krauts exchanged weaponry secrets during WWII and somehow infiltrated the Fukuoka weapon to strike an unsuspecting maniac in Maine sometime in the future. So, you might be safe although I hear that Nu Jerkers can come down with a case of the Tapiocas of the Martha Stewart variety, which might be a worse weapon of mass destruction exchanged between the Krauts and Japs during WWII in top secret especially for New Yorkers. Not sure about other states or state secrets yet. I'll let you know what Yoda says about it bearing in mind I can't hear Yoda with a case of the Fukuokas, which makes it a dangerous disease to have considering the twit lab for JSB by JSB and of JSB is right across the street under the bridge over 295 where JSB will take up residence to analyze the things that other people analyze fully funded by honorarium gratis academic types who are into analyzing things working furiously forever for the enhanced arts program at Fukuoka Women's University in Fukuoka, Japan.
Just found out something that the Fukuokas are good? for when I went out to get close to some real women, like within ten feet because I went out: it nice day and that is if you tell a drunk homeless man who saunters up to you off the street to bum a cigarette about the differences in the Tapiocas disease of the Martha Stewart variety in Nu Jerks and the Fukuoka disease I am currently afflicted with in Maine and explain that it is sent through some time lapse when the disease or weapon was invented by the Krauts and Japs during WWII to infiltrate unsuspecting maniacs on CL discussion forums who have discovered the fuk option for Fukuoka (kind of like the wtf option for wichita falls), the homeless guy will walk away saying in his exact words: "I gotta go: my head's not on right" forgetting about the cigarette even though I reminded him of it offering a cigarette before he ran away from me. I feel bad because I might have inadvertently spread the disease of I LUV Fukuoka to another unsuspecting maniac in Maine: namely the homeless guy who only wanted a cigarette from me, but then ran away saying that his head was not on right. I fear an epidemic that the CDC should look into pronto.
Upon hearing that this stuff must get published: That's all fine and dandy, Nancy, but if my Key bank account gets investigated by governor LePage like what was told me vicariously through certain channels straight from the governor's lips: it means the twit lab under the 295 bridge is open for the business of analyzing what it is twits analyze, which further means no cigs, no food, no ginger ale to imbibe and most likely will mean Luco Brazzio swims with the feces after all and there are no fishes in feces. It would seem that that is the narrow path by which I shall enter the eye of the needle as a camel incarnate since nobody is interested in the details. Meanwhile, the world will go on as if nothing happened with twits furiously analyzing what it is they analyze until the mythical messiah shows up as the 8 billionth baby, for you know not what assholedom is in the world so do things up to seven times, yea, even eight times to get the point across. If the point is still not taken and all I hear about is horny men without sandwiches, then just feed the rest to the dogs like the Chinese do after dinner before fortune cookies and if you are a dirty white boy in search of Chinese riddle: General Tso's chicken followed by chocolate milk then fortune cookie. But, sadly: I don't think even the fortune cookie could've predicted the severity of the Fukuokas that I contracted. And, they continue because I have been placed in isolation at Spring Harbor with nobody to talk to as I write this using telekinetic powers to control key strokes on the nearest computer with wifi and under heavy sedation from Diazapam, the name of a fetish I came up with for the thing I have for the nurses here what with all their analyzing: I can't help but pop a boner for which I get punished yet Paris Hilton gets house arrest for much worse crimes. Haven't heard much from Paris since her porn debut. Maybe I'll look into using my telekinetic powers to tap THAT!!! I would very much like to get on top of her and punish her for all of her crimes against everything sacred known to man, though I liked the porn clip she did. Although, come to think of it: Lindsay Lohan or the Kardachians might be easier to communicate with through my telekinetic powers stuck in the isolation room at the hospital with no hope for physical people contact or even a telephone call, much less an email: albeit, you have been more than kind in comforting me in my present state of the I LUV Fukuokas all for the enhancement of Fukuoka arts at the Fukuoka Women's University in Fukuoka, Japan. WoW! to be a RA in one of their dorms!!! but, maybe I am just dreaming now.
I get this strange eerie feeling that people are leaving me alone with my Fukuokas probably because they are afraid of catching them (kind of like the stigma surrounding AIDS in the hay day of it), yet, when it's my schizophrenia: it's all call the doctor and get the meds adjusted. I just wish somebody would call me or write me or visit me in Portland, ME: the epicenter of the Fukuokas located underneath the bridge over 295 where I will be if I am needed for anybody's companionship. Call me anytime: if it's not me you reach, just leave a message unless there is some funny glitch in the phone systems as google voice and skype are wonton behemoth sluts ready to smother any resemblance of individuality or free expression over the very networks that they provide for that purpose. Also, I am pleased to announce my new engagement as pictured at left in great moments with blow up dolls.
Please don't be mad at me! If you must know: you and my dad taught me to be obsessive compulsive, persistent and an outright asshole to get a point across and the point is this: adjustments to the meds for the schizophrenia are one thing and the Fukuokas that I have recently been afflicted with are another thing THAT I don't think the doctor can prescribe anything for relief from this disease of the Fukuokas that I contracted somehow unwittingly. THAT is the difference THAT I have been trying to get across in the entourage of emails, the which I did not include personal matters of particularity (in my miniscule knowledge) to the particular twits with whom I went to school in NYC and included in some emails and whom I was targeting vicariously as an offshoot to making the point to you; killing a few birds with one stone so to say. So, if anybody wants to sue me for any supposed slander, my defense will be: it's not StuxNet! Otherwise, I am sorry for what might or could've been construed as mean spirited. Hopefully, there won't be any hard feelings and we can go to Norm's bar and grill one day where they have good food, according to dad.
What's more is I am going to have to google Paris Hilton's porn debut tonight and if I can't find it: I will have to search for the Sarah Palin porn look a-likes until the Sarah Palin, in all her twit glory, is featured in glossy print foto mags anytime soon for which I will stand in line for days beforehand to buy just to be the first man to sully her fotos in the glossy print mag that cost me 20$ for a few seconds of pleasure and all in an effort to forget the Fukuokas for a brief instant of time. Surely as my name is Shirley you can call me Shirley or surely if you will. No biggie.
For enlightened subjects of the Fukuokas, donate here:
For dark subjects of the Fukuokas, donate here:
For mix and match subjects of the Fukuokas, analyze it a little more... then decide:
Tolerance (if not outreach) for others' needs (for food, shelter, health, safety, etc.) (as well as taking care of one's own needs) and an inherent right for others and self to be present in open space without fear of violent infiltrators or character assassinations is the sole lesson to be taken from any teaching one would align themselves with in life, if one has not already perfected themselves (in which case, it would be as pouring water into sand to try to educate such otherwise as they live inivory towers).
What I mean is the path of least resistance is not religion, but the principle by which one of nature's strongest forces exists: water (H2O). H20 seeks the lowest point in its stream, which leads to depths of knowledge as a life source for everything: each molecule of H2O a memory cell of its own platitudes absorbed by you or me or mongoose or other water molecules and crystalline structures such as snow upon pine needles in mid-December. It's a beautiful world to behold, albeit NYC was filled with some very ugly people when there.
The governor's plan should include interest bearing payments amounting to double the indemnity incurred by the cuts to the 'bi-polar' individual who will have to check themselves into an institution in order to be supplied medication because in THAT situation: "my pills (meds) are all I can think of"' mentality of the Republikan apparatus exemplified in "Oxy-Rush radio" broadcast throughout the land as the flagship for "my grand daughter/son has 3 babies and needs help, but I'll be damned if I suggest them using prophylactics or seeing a urologist for that particular side effect and "aww hell... mental illness!? you say hearing voices!? I'll consult Pat Robertson," which is the actual real life example of schizophrenia manifest: NOT some guy at Princeton being laughed at by some punk trustafarians with no clue of either the ditch or book power, much less knowledge of both! So, I (me) expect nothing less of governor LePage than the rule of thumb, run of the mill: "kiss my butt!"
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Otherwise, it's as if the butterfly theory is actuality and everything that happens is supposed to happen yet we as humans are faced everyday with a choice between two things, which take on different forms everyday and depending on how we as humans choose, guides us through life, in alignment or not, always wherever you go there you are to make the decisions and take the actions necessary to carve out a slice of earth for one's self whether that means living in a ditch with a loved one or in an ivory tower with the devil himself: it is up to each individual to make their bed and lay in it, with or without help knowing full well that they are out there and they are not there to help. So, it is obvious what the choice is as to whom one should trust: the trusty instincts of a pet will never fail any temperament. Patch says woof!
It's all perspective.... < Richard_Puller > 12/06 06:08:14
make it a point to go outside today and talk to three real people
Easier than you think
The mailman and cops have to talk to you.... Maybe go get a cup of coffee after that
Say to the mailman, When are you going < Saythesethings > 12/06 06:25:00
on a shooting spree?
Say to the cop, I'd like to go on a shooting spree!
Then go to a coffee shop and insult black people.
But why does your son look like the § < Milkman_? > 12/06 07:06:01
Me:now, I hope that we understand each other.and also,NOW: I know the difference between TWITVILLE and thanking whatever HP I got.HP is an AA term.4:37 PM
There is something else THAT you need to know about me: I resolved to TAKE my prescribed meds on schedule without FAIL in June 1996 and, so far: I have done so with the exception of the Risperdal fiasco and ONE time since being prescribed Prolixin shot in the ass in the fall of 2002. Otherwise, it has been without fail! What is more is THAT I have further resolved since the ONE failure to receive the Prolixin shot: TO take the Prolixin shot for as long as the doctors deem it necessary, which means "the rest of my natural life," if IT comes to THAT; the WHICH I am sure that it will! Are we understood? Now, as far as the sleep aid goes THAT the doctor prescribes me: THAT IS A PRN, prescribed as needed, OR, on an as needed basis and I do INDEED take IT when I think THAT I need IT. So, are we understood? I got pretty close to several real women today. Like within 10 feet! I go outside. It nice day.
PORTLAND — Police want Portland residents to be aware that there should be no barriers for people who seek mental health support services in the city.
The department held its first Family Forum on Tuesday night at the police station to promote those services and make its position clear: no one, regardless of their situation, should be denied help in a crisis.
Outside, Portland, ME is dark at 4pm in November. Suffering from a spell of cabin fever on one such evening in 2011 and the dog needing to go out, I ventured out not suspecting what I was about to experience on the street in front of the house where I have lived for ten years.
Some ten years ago, I lived in the West End of Portland before I moved to where I presently stay and have resided for ten years.
When I lived on the West End of Portland, On or about June 11, 2001, I was stopped by three burly officers of the law in cruisers at Longfellow Square and was asked why I was crowing like a rooster as they had reports of my yelling slurs. I explained that I was not slurring people; that I hated nobody and that I was crowing like a rooster because miscreants were calling me a chicken adding: "I was walking in VD Port the other day reading the Casco Bay Jerkly when all of a sudden one of those high school kids and you know how they hang out down there up and says 'have fun going home with your dog tonight.' So, being a clown I tooted my bike horn twice like a clown does." One of the officers said that this was good, but told me to go home and go to work. I did.
(For the full story: google "Mental Illness Prophecy").
I was hospitalized for SZ in July 2001 after being beaten down in my rental apartment on the fourth of July, 2001 at 1am by the landlord's underage drinking buddies from Portland HS when the landlord and his wife had been out of town and I caught the kids fucking over the chickens in the back yard being awoken by their party. I had called the police, but when the police came, they said not to call them anymore as the kids had hidden and then reappeared after the police left. I was hospitalized for SZ after the Fourth of July, 2001 and released from the psych ward on August 3, 2001. On August 4, 2001, one of the kids from July 4, 2001 shouted at me when he saw me and said that he would "kill me." I proceeded to notify my doctor, my parents, the landlord's friends down the street and the doctor told me to tell the police and file a report, the which when I went to the station, they escorted me to the hospital yet again.
I was in approximately ten police paddy wagons, cruisers and ambulances between 2001 and 2002 in Portland, ME taking me for five hospitalizations due to an illness aggravated by miscreants (or otherwise known as other people's kids) and bad parenting in the community.
On the night in question, Tuesday, November 15, 2011: I was suffering from cabin fever and ventured out for a few minutes with my dog for air. When I opened the front door and stepped out onto the walk where I live, I noticed a police cruiser with lights flashing and parked. Another cruiser was up the street. A police man standing next to the nearer cruiser was texting and a large group of kids (no more in age than 15yo) were running around on the next block apparently going up to different houses and "knocking for suspicious activity" (as I was to find out later is what's dubbed: "Community Policing").
"The Portland Police Department is committed to a community approach to policing our neighborhoods. This requires officers to become immersed in the neighborhoods they serve and become a resource for residents as well as law enforcement."
Apparently, Community Policing is fifteen year old kids knocking for suspicious activity.
Then, as my dog made his usual rounds on the corner with my "rubber necking" some, I was about to turn back into my house when at least six of the group of +/-twenty kids I had seen, ran up to me on the corner while my dog relieved himself, confronted me, and told me to take my hands out of my pockets: that they were going to ask me a few questions.
Having seen a urologist for that particular side effect due to my experiences with other people's kids, I curtly told them to "fuck off," turned around and walked back to my house. I was standing on the walk way to where I live at the foot of the steps for the front door of the house and the police man whom I had seen texting strode up to me out of the dark and said in an authoritative tone:
"Why were you rude to those kids!?"
I replied:
"I saw a urologist for that particular side effect."
"What does that have to do with what you told them?" he retorted.
"It means that I don't do what kids tell me and you should know that," failing to mention "Lance the dispatcher" and his knowledge of me my having listened to a police scanner 24/7 for six months once upon a time. I heard "Lance the dispatcher" tell an officer jokingly that he would order the officer to go after "Jimmy," (assumedly me in my mind), if the officer didn't follow another dispatch order.
The officer standing on the walkway to the house where I live continued:
"Well, those kids are performing a community service. You shouldn't have told them that. Do you have ID?"
"Well, I'm schizoid," I told him. "I saw my doctor today. I was just coming out to walk my dog. I live here," I told him.
I gave him my ID and then asked:
"What!? You going to take me to jail?"
"I might," he retorted as he called in my license number and found out from the "Lance on duty" who I was and my history with police in Portland.
"Hey!" I told him as he was calling into a dispatcher: "I counted to 24-1000 on December 8 last year. I haven't done anything."
Upon retrieving information on my license, he said after he told me to be quiet so he could tell me something:
"If I hear of you being mean to kids again, I am going to arrest you."
Then, I asked:
"Can I tell you something now?"
He acquiesced and I barked:
"Kids were mean to me once upon a time. You tell those kids NOT to be mean to me or I'll sue!"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Pennsylvania man won $50,000 after he was cited for flipping off a cop.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently held that speech may not be prohibited simply because some may find it offensive," said Ira P. Robbins, a law professor from American University in Washington D.C. "Virtually every time someone is arrested for this, assuming there's no other criminal behavior... the case is either dismissed before trial or the person is convicted at trial and wins on appeal." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my experience, Portland's programs for Mental Health Support Services and Community Policing are divergent, contradictory and aggravate situations.
"howler and spider monkeys diverged from a common ancestor". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "FUCK YOU: YA ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT KIDS!"
1. Election 2010: Maine Governor. Paul LePage (R). wins with 39% of the vote. 2. In what was dubbed "an open conversation with Colby students and Central Maine residents," only heavily vetted questions most palatable to LePage were ever asked. 3. He had a rough start to his administration, with one distraction after another making Mainiacs shake their heads and wonder... 4. On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr., Day, Maine's governor Paul LePage told a local television station that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People can "kiss my butt." 5. Governor Paul LePage's answer to a question last week has prompted last minute claims that he is endorsing both sides... 6. Two polls: one shows him surging in popularity. The other? Not so much. 7. Paul LePage ran away from home at age 11 to escape an abusive father.
8. Paul LePage has now proposed mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients.
9. 29% of Maine’s total population is on some form of welfare. Was LePage on some form of welfare at 11yo?
10. Governor Paul LePage wants to cut in half Maine's reliance on oil for heating homes....
11. Gov. Paul LePage wants education leaders to pressure lawmakers to pass his cuts to the Department of Health and Human Services’ budget. If they don’t, he said last week, he’ll cut education budgets. 12. Paul LePage says Maine's teachers are not doing enough...
13. Comments from the governor are that some Mainiacs are staying on unemployment because the benefits are good. 14. LePage said some industries are bringing in workers from Jamaica for jobs that Mainiacs could fill, but don't: opting to stay on public assistance.
15. Maine’s largest state workers union has filed a formal complaint against Gov. Paul LePage and his administration for allegedly negotiating a new contract in bad faith.
16. The governor’s spokeswoman called the complaint "a 21-page press release filled with inaccuracies."
17. He has pledged to back right-to-work legislation that union officials have said would cripple them. 18. Gov. Paul LePage ordered the removal of a 36-foot mural depicting Maine's labor history from the lobby of the Department of Labor.
19. Paul LePage and his allies eliminated same-day voter registration in Maine.
20. On election day, voters chose by a 61-39% margin to restore same-day registration.
21. The Boston Globe has reported that in 2010, Maine registered 60,000 new voters on election day and there
were no proven claims of voter fraud.
22. Paul LePage has pledged to continue the fight to restrict voting rights.
23. The governor pledged to stay out of the casino campaigns.
24. Following the casino's rejection on Tuesday's statewide ballot, some in the former mill city feel betrayed by their native son, Gov. Paul LePage.
25. Where does LePage get these crazy ideas?
26. Paul LePage pledged his support for an all-out effort to deal with the problem.
27. Paul LePage merits praise for acknowledging the problem and pledging his support for corrective action and called his governorship "A cheap shot to Maine people...."
1. In the end, Man created the times and the square.
2. And the square was with edifices, and replete; and neon was upon the façade of the
city. And the Currencies of Man tarried upon the façade of the society.
3. And Man said, Let there be blackouts: and there were blackouts.
4. And Man saw the blackouts, that it was evil: and Man multiplied the blackouts from the neon.
5. And Man called the blackouts Blackouts, and the neon he called Rights. And the electricity and the cocktail were the last right.
6. And Man said, Let there be a network in the midst of the societies, and let it multiply the societies from the society.
7. And Man made the network, and multiplied the societies which were over the network from the society which was the underbelly society: and it was so.
8. And Man called the network Times. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
9. And Man said, Let the societies over the times be scattered individually into many thoughts, and let the wet-brains disappear: and it was so.
10. And Man called the wet-brains Square(s); and the individual scattering of the societies called he Seers: and Man saw that it was evil.
11. And Man said, Let the square spring forth liquor, the dealer-wielding-weed, and the nut-cases wielding craziness after their differences, whose weed is out of others, under the square: and it was so.
12. And the square sprung forth weed, and dealer-wielding-weed after their differences, and the nut-cases wielding craziness, whose weed was out of others, after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.
13. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
14. And Man said, Let there be blackouts in the network of the times to multiply the blackouts from the neon; and let them be for misnomers, and for illogic, and for right, and forgettable:
15. And let them be for blackouts in the network of the times to give blackouts upon the square: and it was so.
16. And Man made two puny blackouts; the puniest blackout to submit to the rights, and the greater blackout to submit to the neon: he made the nook & cranny also.
17. And Man set them in the network of the times to give blackouts upon the square,
18. And to submit under the blackouts and under the rights, and to roll the blackouts with the neon: and Man saw that it was evil.
19. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
20. And Man said, Let the societies spring forth sparingly the still culture that hath death, and miserly that may bury under the square in the closed network of times.
21. And Man created puny sperms, and every deathly culture that tarries, which the societies sprung forth grudgingly, after their differences, and every binged miser after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.
22. And Man cursed us, saying, Be crazy, and divide, and empty the society out of the seers, and let misers divide out of the square.
23. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
24. And Man said, Let the square spring forth the dead culture after their differences, glitterati, and striding person, and urchins of the square after their differences: and it was so.
25. And Man made the urchins of the square after their differences, and glitterati after his differences, and every person that strides upon the square after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.
26. And Man said, Let us forsake woman in your porno, before your differences: and let them have submission under the semen of the seer, and under the miserly of the grime, and under the glitterati and under all of the square, and under every striding person that strides upon the square.
27. So Man created woman out of other porno, out of the porn of woman created he her; hermaphrodites created he them.
28. And Man cursed them, and Man said to them, Be crazy, and divide, and empty the square, and fuck it: and have submission under the semen of the seer, and under the miserly of the grime and under every 'quick & dead' person that tarries upon the square.
29. And Man said, Behold, you-have-withheld-me-no-dealer-bearing-weed, which is under the façade of all the square, and no case, in the which is the craziness of a nut wielding weed; to you it shall be for vomit.
30. And to no urchin of the square, and to no miser of the grime, and to no person that strides under the square, wherein there is death, you have taken no kind weed for alms: and it was so.
31. And Man saw no person that he had created, and, behold, it was evil. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polymorph is a mage spell that transforms the enemy into a critter, removing it from combat.