Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Really? I wouldn't have believed it unless you < pstherapydog > 12/13 04:34:46

told me, not that I believe it anyway: even with you saying so. However, I was thinking last night as I was falling asleep THAT the Fukuokas might be some sort of transport vessel for me to realize what it was like to be me long before I was ever conceived. I am finding (admittedly: this thinking might be outright delusive) that the Fukuokas are for me like the Harper's Weekly quote from the 1960's of "I look forward to the day when humans slough off the body and become a vortex of thought." I only thought THAT last night while being beckoned off to dream land and giving up yesterdays for sleep last night until the sun come up next, which was this morning with the Fukuoka triggers all in place once again.

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