Thursday, December 8, 2011

Face Block

The governor's plan should include interest bearing payments amounting to double the indemnity incurred by the cuts to the 'bi-polar' individual who will have to check themselves into an institution in order to be supplied medication because in THAT situation: "my pills (meds) are all I can think of"' mentality of the Republikan apparatus exemplified in "Oxy-Rush radio" broadcast throughout the land as the flagship for "my grand daughter/son has 3 babies and needs help, but I'll be damned if I suggest them using prophylactics or seeing a urologist for that particular side effect and "aww hell... mental illness!? you say hearing voices!? I'll consult Pat Robertson," which is the actual real life example of schizophrenia manifest: NOT some guy at Princeton being laughed at by some punk trustafarians with no clue of either the ditch or book power, much less knowledge of both! So, I (me) expect nothing less of governor LePage than the rule of thumb, run of the mill: "kiss my butt!"

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