Monday, November 28, 2011


There is something else THAT you need to know about me: I resolved to TAKE my prescribed meds on schedule without FAIL in June 1996 and, so far: I have done so with the exception of the Risperdal fiasco and ONE time since being prescribed Prolixin shot in the ass in the fall of 2002.  Otherwise, it has been without fail!  What is more is THAT I have further resolved since the ONE failure to receive the Prolixin shot: TO take the Prolixin shot for as long as the doctors deem it necessary, which means "the rest of my natural life," if IT comes to THAT; the WHICH I am sure that it will!  Are we understood?  Now, as far as the sleep aid goes THAT the doctor prescribes me: THAT IS A PRN, prescribed as needed, OR, on an as needed basis and I do INDEED take IT when I think THAT I need IT.  So, are we understood?  I got pretty close to several real women today.  Like within 10 feet!  I go outside.  It nice day.

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