Friday, November 4, 2011

Qoh.1[4] One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

"Global Warming," a man-made event due to the "industrial age," will cover earth as if with a blanket: a toxic fog which will suffocate life leaving earth barren save: microbes, odd specie and sparse peoples.  After that time, earth's ozone and climate will morph into incipience, as if a lilly burgeoning from a buried corpse lending nutrient for growth.

Dinosaur extinction was due to: build ups of gas in earth's ozone; continental shifts over eons; a changing and a lack of food sources; over population; etc., much like the state of earth in human times.  Evolution will see life as we humans know it: extinct!  Or, evolved into placarded eons as lonely, bony remains to be discovered by galactic interlopers, if any remnant of "human thought" exists at that time other than bones and pyramids.

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