Sunday, September 4, 2011

Word Salad or Schizophasia Syllogisms:

If you don't have a voice, you are not a writer. Å writer who writes with a voice from a void within; a voice that is practiced in writing and in subjects of writing; a writer who writes what he/she knows and a writer who reads discerningly and avidly, able to surmise on points and mechanics thereof; a writer is a writer indeed when knowledge and wisdom in subjects are as one and vision to write what written is second hand so that contrived writing pales to edited and luminous tales of willow wisps everywhere, for the writer who has a voice in writing.

If you don't have a brokerage, you are not a broker. Å broker who's broke with a stock is a void within. A broker that is practiced in stocks and in subjects of stocks; a broker who trades what he/she knows and a broker who reads the market discerningly and avidly, able to surmise on points and mechanics thereof; a broker is a broker indeed when knowledge and wisdom in subjects are as one and vision to trade what's traded is second hand so that contrived trading pales to swamped tales of dollar up-ticks everywhere, for the broker who has a brokerage in trading.

If you don't have a banana, you are not a monkey. Å monkey who eats a banana to fill a void within; a monkey who is practiced in digesting and in subjects of bananas; a monkey who peels what he/she knows and a monkey who eats discerningly and avidly, able to surmise on points and mechanics thereof; a monkey is a monkey indeed when knowledge and wisdom in subjects are as one and a monkey has vision to peel so that what's eaten is second hand. Contrived eating pales to clean and scrumptious tales of tree branches everywhere, for the monkey who has appeal in bananas.

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