Sunday, September 4, 2011

Two Poems

written 12/24/09:

Fire makes ice;
ice makes fire;
oceans of rain drops;
vice versa:
winds stir and
earth filters
to its molten core.

nerve center census:
systems with-

-pass through portals
upon ashes
stashed tomorrow.

written 12/28/09:

pervasive fear encroaches
incipient and bovine alike.
fiery grim of brimstones,
pebble-like...scourged pikes'
whisper in winds of souls
gone by: eerie and contrite!
journeys to the Netherlands
seeking refuge and respite,
seemingly led to centrifuges,
flares and a sailor's delight
that all is well on compass
points, so, hit hays tonight!

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