Sunday, September 4, 2011
On Smoking
So. Kurt Vonnegut lived until 84yo and he smoked since 12yo. Also, my dad's best friend has smoked since 12yo and he is 73yo now and still walks his dog 3 miles per day had it not been for spraining an ankle recently. Also, eating food, whether veggies or meat, tainted with E. Coli or Mad Cow is worse than any lung cancer. And, coal miners get lung cancer quicker than any smoker. What's more is a person can develop cancer of any kind at any age from 0yo to 100yo whether they smoke or not, cancer being somewhat genetic or environmental, as in the movie Erin Brokavich with Julia Roberts. So, I don't buy it. Every week on the news, they come out with something new to scare the public. This time around: it's swine flu and they put out hand sanitizers like that's gonna do any good. Good old fashioned disinfectant soap and water after going and whenever else is all it takes. I have been shocked by the number of people I have met since I was 8yo at Lambrook, Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG126LU talking to a kid named Hamilton telling him to wash his hands after going right up until just recently when a friend came over and I had to lie to him and tell him that Mick Jagger in England told me to wash my hands every time. He idolized Mick Jagger. So, it convinced him. And, what gets me is that he was a self professed germ-a-phobic. There's no heads or tails to it. Sorry, I don't buy it. To each their own. Live and let live. What's more is they put the cigs behind the counter at the store so kids won't steal them, but the booze are right out in the open. So, kids steal the booze, drive and crash. If they stole the cigs and got addicted, at least they would have another give or take forty years at minimum to live. Besides all that, a meteorite could obliterate a whole population in 2062 like Newton predicted and astronomers concur today or Iran could get the bomb or else I could walk up Parkside in Portland and be mugged at gun point or stabbed or whatever else. So, I try to live day by day and I smoke because I like it, not because it is cheap or expensive. I don't like to drink alcohol although I have before, but choose not to anymore. Maybe the day will come when I put down the cigs, I don't know. Does that make sense?
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