Sunday, September 4, 2011


He looked at the mirror and breathed in.  The urinals stood on the wall behind him.  The bathroom smelled and he went out.

The hallway stretched and then turned left and he looked until he could not see anymore.  Around the corner and down another hall was the computer room.

"Hi.  Your cup needs to be on the table out there."

The table stood outside the room and he walked out into the hall and put the cup on the table.  She bent over a pail emptying some thing into it and he walked past her into the room again.  She looked cute.  Her long blond hair reached the waist of her skirt and her skirt was from her waist to her ankles.

The pencil lay across the paper and he took it up again.  The words flowed in his conscience on the paper and he reeled once in awhile for the thought he had was lost again and again.  He made the words sound in his brain without thinking and then when he thought about it, they didn't come at all.  All the elements in the universe existed in him and when he thought about one element, he lost all the others.

The girl who was over the waste bin stood behind him in the office for computer supplies.  She wasn't that good looking, but something about her aroused the sentiment in him and she sniffled.  A man stepped to the window.

"Somebody did by now," she said.

The lack of things to say or else write came into his mind.  He did not know where they had come from, just that they were there.  He wondered about his tapping his pencil either end over and then wrote some more.  He wondered and wondered and the period seemed extraordinary.  It projected a distinct element of the sentence he had just written and he wondered about it.

Behind him, her hands moved smoothly over the counter top as she put papers into a binder.  The binder snapped.  In the other room across the hall, a printer etched black print on paper.

"I have about as much interest in you as I have in a blank page," he said.

She stared at him.  The hairs on the back of his neck rose.  She moved suddenly.  The thought hadn't occurred to him that she might move.  She moved and then turned around.  She looked at him.  He felt uncomfortable.  The floor sloped downward to where he stood.

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