Sunday, September 4, 2011

Galactic Syzygy to Trigger Celestial Events and Earthquakes

Good Old Purdue < History > 01/13 18:34:52
AS the Professor from Purdue pointed out, earthquakes are caused when the earth's crust moves or adjusts. While these adjustsments may be triggered by astronomical gravitational events, the gravity of the Moon and the Sun are much higher factors than that of any asteroid. That is why earthquakes tend to follow moon-cycles.

Before and since Haiti earthquake JAN 13, 2010 5AM EDT asteroid at 7:47 AM same day:

17-JAN-2010 18:11:07 4.3mag OFF COAST OF OREGON (1 day)
17-JAN-2010 09:34:21 4.5mag WESTERN IRAN
16-JAN-2010 21:26:21 4.3mag WESTERN IRAN
16-JAN-2010 20:23:43 4.9mag WESTERN IRAN

16-JAN-2010 12:03:25 4.3mag SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (2-6 days)
13-JAN-2010 10:22:15 4.8mag SOUTHERN IRAN
12-JAN-2010 02:36:08 4.3mag SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
10-JAN-2010 17:17:50 4.6mag SOUTHERN IRAN
10-JAN-2010 17:17:50 4.6mag SOUTHERN IRAN

10-JAN-2010 11:48:30 4.1mag NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. (1-4 days)
10-JAN-2010 06:35:53 4.1mag CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION
10-JAN-2010 06:32:17 4.0mag NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF.
10-JAN-2010 00:27:39 6.5mag NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF.
07-JAN-2010 18:09:35 4.0mag CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
07-JAN-2010 05:49:20 4.1mag GULF OF CALIFORNIA
06-JAN-2010 14:17:49 4.8mag SOUTHERN IRAN

04-JAN-2010 14:24:53 4.1mag NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (2 days)

30-DEC-2009 18:48:57 5.7mag CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION (4 days)
26-DEC-2009 01:00:39 4.8mag NORTHERN MOLUCCA SEA (Pakistan)

21-DEC-2009 08:53:16 4.6mag GULF OF CALIFORNIA (2 days)
19-DEC-2009 03:28:45 4.4 mag TAJIKISTAN

Somewhere to start:

This is what I find at the USGS.

If you want to look up your state look here.

I am looking for a global fault line map as well, With out much luck?

For INFO on 2012 Galactic Eclipse called a syzygy or the straight line configuration of 3 celestial bodies (as the sun and earth and moon) in a gravitational system:

FMI on moon and sun effects on ocean tides and the math involved in lay out: 

Yes it is harmoniously coordinated < HISTORY> 01/14 09:48:23

by God. What part of understanding the movements of the heavens in the universe and the historical aspect of a cycle is bogus to you? What part of encouraging a person interested in science is bogus to you? It is documented hard science. Had a physics class lately?

"Neither jot nor tittle shall be unfulfilled... until heaven and earth shall pass.  There shall be diverse earthquakes in those days..."

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