Monday, October 17, 2011

Scatological Eschatology

Eschatology, a branch of theology that studies the end times, often attracts writers who, like scientists, seek to prove, quantify and make predictions. These students sift the Bible for metaphor and symbol, searching for meaning in what are often puzzling passages in scripture. It helps to remember that a doomsday event has seemed reasonable for centuries, given the chaos inflicted by natural disasters, pandemics and perfervid world leaders.

Quixophasia - Scatological Eschatology
The series of 2 audio 1 lit. (Mentally Ill Prophecy) are meant to convey "gleaning prophetic" and are "artistic genetic codes to real events." "The Coincidence of Two Places" is an eschatological story of events that by original air time in 2000 did not happen yet whereby the two brothers represent "the Towers" who become precipitously crazy and then die by the brainchild of their dead grandmother in Florida where the President was in a kindergarten class and later led a nation against the man who supposedly orchestrated the event incurring the 1mil brag in Coincidence representing trillions squandered in war waste and then the last line of the radio play: "The world did not come to an end," among other allegory within Coincidence including the title, which is a statement of the orchestration the grandmother had to achieve with the power of her mind controlling her grandsons by thought and that it was thought a man caused the event on 9-11 with the power of his mind. Also, there is reference in Mentally Ill Prophecy or crowing like a rooster three months prior to 9-11, which is resounding of the NT admonishment of when the cock crows thrice: denial of the impending doom and gloom. "Here is your scarab!"

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