Sunday, October 23, 2011

"She's out there somewhere probably riding bareback on a unicorn."

I am a reasonably sane, well to do gentle-man living in a size-able studio in Portland with a cat and dog. I am a public radio listener as well as listen to community radio and YouTube it. I don't watch much TV. I like coffee shop trips in the morning and my drink of choice is ginger ale with a splash of lemonade and ice. I am discursive, fun with water toys like kayaks, windsurfers, etc. and funny with good temperaments and character. Crazy? Yes, but from a good place and it keeps me from going insane. I won't go starting any kind of scene on you. I am wiser in years than age for drama. You are down to earth: either smoke or don't mind smoking both tobacco and 420 kind and open to a casual monogamous relationship without bringing another "Dickens" into the world (though if you have one or two: that's fine). You want an available man in your life to whose apartment you can go to and slumber in safety and know that you will be treated with care. I am not entirely too picky about looks and find myself attracted to all sorts of women: just not bbw. I like the "perky dork type" with ambition yet a down to earth attitude. My favorite is when I see an average woman walk home from work in a business suit-skirt and sneakers. WoW! If I struck a chord, Try Me! 

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