Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Sir Rajah Bless Enemy 
Miner's Blah Jerseys 
Bearishly Jars Semen
Bearishly Mans Jeers
Jeers Abysmal Shrine
Rhymes Arsenal Jibes
Nimbly Harasses Jeer
Raj Bean "Hire Sly" Mess 
Raj Beam Ness
Bane Ram Jess
Arm Bane Jess
Raj Bean Mess
Bean Ram Jess
Bean Arm Jess
Bear Man Jess
Base Rams Jen
Base Mars Jen
Jabs Ram Seen
Nab Mare Jess
Bar Jane Mess
Bar Jean Mess
Bar Mean Jess
Bar Amen Jess
Bras Maj Seen
Arena Priest Ren
Renteria Parnes
Urban Pleas
Bal Rape Sun
Bal Reap Sun
Ban Pal Ruse
Relegating Homo
Reggae Monolith
Reheating Gloom
Telegram Oohing
Agree Moonlight
Eager Moonlight
Age Moonlighter
Haggler Emotion
Gleaming Hooter
Theologian Germ
Hologram Teeing
A Mothering Ogle
A Hogtie Mongrel
Geothermal Go In
Mileage Thong Or
Eagle Night Room
Eaglet Grin Homo
Eaglet Ring Homo

Ablaze Risen
Ablaze Siren
Ablaze Resin
Ablaze Rinse
Lesbian Raze
Zebra Aliens
A Brazen Lies
Rabies La Zen
Jay Sics Jello
Karma Cab Boa

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"She's out there somewhere probably riding bareback on a unicorn."

I am a reasonably sane, well to do gentle-man living in a size-able studio in Portland with a cat and dog. I am a public radio listener as well as listen to community radio and YouTube it. I don't watch much TV. I like coffee shop trips in the morning and my drink of choice is ginger ale with a splash of lemonade and ice. I am discursive, fun with water toys like kayaks, windsurfers, etc. and funny with good temperaments and character. Crazy? Yes, but from a good place and it keeps me from going insane. I won't go starting any kind of scene on you. I am wiser in years than age for drama. You are down to earth: either smoke or don't mind smoking both tobacco and 420 kind and open to a casual monogamous relationship without bringing another "Dickens" into the world (though if you have one or two: that's fine). You want an available man in your life to whose apartment you can go to and slumber in safety and know that you will be treated with care. I am not entirely too picky about looks and find myself attracted to all sorts of women: just not bbw. I like the "perky dork type" with ambition yet a down to earth attitude. My favorite is when I see an average woman walk home from work in a business suit-skirt and sneakers. WoW! If I struck a chord, Try Me! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I have been on earth +/-14,000 days so far.

I don't expect to live another 14,000 days and am over the "hump" in life, having learned from experience and theory.  Settled with "roots" for the foreseeable future and seeking to make my remaining days on earth (+/-10,000 days) enjoyable doing things I want to do (not what others would have me do; something that I am able to do): some things that I want to do are things that I am doing now like living simply but rich in spirit chain smoking RYO's; kayaking; snorkeling; anything on the water; or out for a walk with the adopted dog; petting the adopted wildcat confined to a 45x18ft apartment with no way out for him anymore and one thing that I am not doing now, which is a woman who "can understand normal thinking" from "a sensitive man's" perspective.  I have learned hard lessons in "created scenes" or "drama" and I don't do that, but rather: I am under no disillusionment about women as a good steward of the earth believing in "free will,"  but recognizing "it takes two to tango."  I roll alone for the most part, but I would like to meet a woman with eclectic interests including a perspicacity for language/arts, written or spoken word, "NPR listener" and an open mind to accept 100% of me as "I am that I am" as I will you.  You must like coffee shop trips and exchanging friendly banter about varied topics under the sun hashed over the next +/-10,000 days as a "live at my place," mutually monogamous fwb.  Hit me up and let's cause the earth to quake when we're together!  10,000 days seems like a lot, but imagine living 36,500 days to 100yo or all the days since cuneiform or since the beginnings of time on earth recorded in geology, never mind the Universe and "parallel universes!"   Let's compliment each other like the yin to the yang and vice versa with placid dreams of each other in reveries interspersed throughout our days together and when we are apart yet again to reunite and reignite our flame with fused hearts, minds, souls and bodies; d/d free and having seen a urologist for that particular side effect of being heterosexual, let it rain (though it's OK if you have a child(ren); just that I am not fathering one due to reasons of my own mainly that I recognize this world is fucked up enough without spawning another "little dickens."  My animals are my "chillun," but I can't "chill" with them about "monkey scratch monkey back."  So, if any of this made any sense: rsvp with a picture and note about yourself and I will respond in kind.  Thanks for reading. -J

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scatological Eschatology

Eschatology, a branch of theology that studies the end times, often attracts writers who, like scientists, seek to prove, quantify and make predictions. These students sift the Bible for metaphor and symbol, searching for meaning in what are often puzzling passages in scripture. It helps to remember that a doomsday event has seemed reasonable for centuries, given the chaos inflicted by natural disasters, pandemics and perfervid world leaders.

Quixophasia - Scatological Eschatology
The series of 2 audio 1 lit. (Mentally Ill Prophecy) are meant to convey "gleaning prophetic" and are "artistic genetic codes to real events." "The Coincidence of Two Places" is an eschatological story of events that by original air time in 2000 did not happen yet whereby the two brothers represent "the Towers" who become precipitously crazy and then die by the brainchild of their dead grandmother in Florida where the President was in a kindergarten class and later led a nation against the man who supposedly orchestrated the event incurring the 1mil brag in Coincidence representing trillions squandered in war waste and then the last line of the radio play: "The world did not come to an end," among other allegory within Coincidence including the title, which is a statement of the orchestration the grandmother had to achieve with the power of her mind controlling her grandsons by thought and that it was thought a man caused the event on 9-11 with the power of his mind. Also, there is reference in Mentally Ill Prophecy or crowing like a rooster three months prior to 9-11, which is resounding of the NT admonishment of when the cock crows thrice: denial of the impending doom and gloom. "Here is your scarab!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Self professed pedagogues proselytize.

Proselytism is a tool of pedagogues, if pedagogue means 2. One who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner; and dogmatic means 2. Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.

I, being one, have seen many "ideological pedestals" (people) or "self professed" pedagogues/proselytizers on streets and on the news proselytizing. Proselytizers are "self professed" pedagogues who seek to propagate beliefs dogmatically.

In a sense, all people could be allegorically termed "ideological pedestals" from whom spout words meant to convince other people of "the apparatus" that is money/power/sex through language and "illusory superiority." 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Snip! Snip! - readers' theatre

Nether reaches of ether materialize
into I, me, my: 'illusory superiority;'
stagnate, ill-informed, cognitive bias;
allegoric, schizophrenic limericks;
simpleton remarks about nothing but
falsities on a page, a note, a value on
life, as if bodies are immobilized and
imaginations soar to reinvent the wheel
house washing away tears left ashore
and lives between crevices of rocks fed
on drowned bobs hooked to mouths of
flesh and blood from one breath that is
of the earth, the moon and the stars
speckled across the night sky as if time
travelers in another age, lost and forgotten
tribes of aliens spawned amidst dark
matter, out of ether and into nether;
a vortex of thoughts in a vacuum;
levitating spirits suspended in time/
space, forgotten, windy whispers
that make I, me, my so important now
to me and me alone amidst clamor,
mayhem and Armageddon of sorts
with 'nukes' because everybody thinks
they are more important, they blow
others up. Yet everybody is literally 'blue
blooded,' the color of the ocean from space,
'kroovy red' when spilled from gullets of
Orion and Pisces, 'great gods that come
from governing skies who take away
everything and make everybody feel high;
but if you know what life is worth, you
will look for yours on earth.  So, now I see
the light, I will stand up for my right' to live
in the margins of life applying a hand
when needed to act, but mostly 'observing
the hypocrites' adding to everything and
reducing to nothing at the same time;
pedagogues and ideological pedestals
that is a result of a new world status:
gaseous speeches that lambast personages
over waves of varying forms into rooms
with closed-in-minds further stifling words
from truth and self determination to learn
when libraries are open twelve hours per
day.  Who needs school unless it is a tool:
a platform from which to spring forth
and apply in the world or sit by a pool,
beer-a-fool, tan, whatever-like-wow-man!?
All I am saying is if I ran to a wrack on a
black as night morning in a stampede for
illusive satisfaction from an object of gory
glory under a heel sharp as steel to temple
mounted spirits crushed by weight of paper
in pockets who can't point to names on
world maps and's a lost cause to
procreate. So, I saw a urologist for that
particular side effect being illusory to you.